
Which terrier is the calmest?

Terriers are dogs with a unique character, proud on the one hand, but with a strong personal will. One of the calmest terriers is the Airedale Terrier. Of course, there are many other terrier breeds, all of which have their merits. Let’s take a look at these small but special dogs together. Special features of …

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My cat coos

When your cat coos at you, your cat feels comfortable and secure with you. Cat cooing can be an invitation to pet and cuddle. Likewise, cats coo when they want to be kept busy or want something to eat. Cats can communicate with each other by cooing and signal to other mates that they are …

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Cat sways when walking

Cats sway when walking if they have balance problems, for example due to an inflammation in the inner ear or the eyes, as well as joint pain.  Cats have a very good sense of balance. This works so well in cats because they have a highly developed organ of balance in the inner ear. This …

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Cat wets itself

Your cat has wet itself due to an illness such as cystitis, incontinence or uncleanliness.  Cats wetting themselves can also be caused by incontinence. This is when your cat loses small drops of urine unnoticed or even leaves behind a whole puddle. However, incontinence is not that common. As a rule, it is more a …

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Cat has tongue out

Your cat has its tongue out because it is relaxing or because it has swallowed a foreign object and is having difficulty breathing.  Why does my cat always have its tongue out? Cats have their tongues out all the time when they are sleeping or relaxing, but also when they are having trouble breathing because …

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