My cat is distancing himself

When cats distance themselves from their owners, it may be because the cat is very stressed or its routine is disrupted. Likewise, an injury or illness can be the reason why your cat withdraws from you. But also a quarrel between cats or territorial fights can lead to a distancing from your cat. 

If your cat distances himself from you, there can be various reasons for this. Often there is nothing behind it and your cat just wants to be left alone, but you should keep a close eye on your cat to see if there might be more to it. 

Cats love their daily routine and know exactly when it’s time for food in the morning and when you’re coming home from work. If your cat is distancing himself from you, it may be because you have changed something in your daily routine, such as a different time of rising or a new place of work with different closing times. This will cause your cat a lot of stress as he has to get used to the new times. It is important that you do not change the daily routine too often and try to create a regular routine for you and your cat. 

Cats have a very good memory and remember many things that seem unimportant to us humans. If you are so stressed by your work that you forget to pet your cat in the afternoon, your cat may quickly become upset and not want to know anything about you. In this case, cats are like children and let you know immediately if they don’t like something. Maybe you can calm your cat down with her favourite food so that she will seek your closeness again. 

Similarly, if your cat has an illness or injury, it may distance himself from you and not seek you out. Illness or pain is not very visible to us humans and cats often withdraw when they are not feeling well. It’s best to watch your cat closely to see if her eating behaviour changes. If your cat also loses appetite or suddenly becomes unclean, it is advisable to seek veterinary advice and have your cat examined. If your cat has a cold and you want to help it get better quickly, our informative article Colds in Cats – Treatment, Causes, Dangers will help you.

If your cat doesn’t want to be near you and is distancing himself from you, it may be because it is distracted by something and doesn’t have time for you at the moment. Often cats will sit on windowsills and pine after other cats, or be anxious and retreat because a more dominant cat is wandering around in their territory. But bullying among cats can also be a reason why your cat withdraws and seems distant. 

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Your cat may be distracted by the neighbour’s dog or by a new cat in the territory, so that it does not seek your proximity for a certain period of time.

If you have recent visitors or a new construction site is right outside your home, your cat may distance himself from you and withdraw for these reasons. Loud construction noise is especially stressful for your cat, as they have very sensitive ears.

What can I do if my cat distances himself?

It’s best to give your cat the space he needs and time to relax. Your cat will then seek your closeness again all by himself. Your cat’s favourite food or toy can also lure him out of his hiding place. 

If your cat distances herself from you and withdraws, it is important that you give her the space she needs. Leave them in their hiding place for a while, without pushing them or petting them. Often they will come back to you voluntarily after a while and seek your closeness. 

Another option would be to keep luring your cat out of its hiding place with its favourite food or small treats.

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Give your cat the time it needs to retreat. Often, after a few days, your cat will come back to you on her own to get her treats.

Your cat’s favourite toy is also a great way to signal to your cat that everything is OK and not to be afraid. 

How does a depressed cat behave?

A depressed cat will eat much less and generally behave very uncharacteristically. He hardly wants to move and may be unclean. It is important to keep a close eye on your cat and seek veterinary advice. 

Unfortunately, like humans, cats can also become depressed. It is often not easy to recognise this in cats, as they cannot tell us directly. 

If your cat is uncharacteristically withdrawn and doesn’t want to be stroked by you, it can be a first warning sign that your cat is not well. 

In depression, cats often seem listless and hardly move at all. Some owners often confuse this with laziness and not with an illness. This makes it all the more important to seek veterinary advice if you notice any signs of depression. 

Other warning signs of depression in cats could be that they hardly eat or eat less and neglect their grooming. You can easily recognise this by dull or matted fur. 

But also uncleanliness could be a clear indication of depression in your cat and you should observe it closely. 

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Summary – My cat is distancing himself

When cats distance themselves from their owners, it may be because your cat is very stressed or their routine is disrupted. An injury or illness can also be the reason why your cat withdraws from you. But also a fight between cats or territorial fights can lead to a distancing from your cat. 

If your cat is distancing himself from you, it is important that it gets its space and that you do not force it. Your cat will seek closeness to you again on its own. If necessary, you can lure him out of his hiding place with his favourite food or toy. 

A depressed cat will eat much less and behave very uncharacteristically. She hardly moves and neglects her grooming. Likewise, depression in cats can lead to uncleanliness. It is important that you observe your cat closely and seek veterinary advice.