My cat coos

When your cat coos at you, your cat feels comfortable and secure with you. Cat cooing can be an invitation to pet and cuddle. Likewise, cats coo when they want to be kept busy or want something to eat. Cats can communicate with each other by cooing and signal to other mates that they are ready to mate. But also mother cats often coo when they call their kittens to suckle. But also to signal that all is well, mother cats often use cooing with their kittens.

Surely you have observed your cat making a cooing sound. Don’t worry, your cat is not trying to imitate the pigeons from the roof here, but cooing is a way of communication in your cat.

Cats especially like to coo when they feel comfortable. This can be while playing or cuddling.

But also to communicate with other cats, cats use the cooing. Especially cats in heat try to attract the attention of other cats by cooing. Likewise, mother cats use cooing to lure their kittens to them, to suckle them, or to signal that everything is okay.

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If your cat is cooing near you, this is a good sign because your cat feels comfortable with you.

If your cat stops purring and what it means, you can learn more in our great article My cat stopped purring.

The cooing among cats

Cats coo among themselves to signal their readiness to mate. Likewise, mother cats use cooing to entice their kittens to suckle and to show them that everything is OK.

Cats not only coo when they feel comfortable with humans or want something specific from them, but they also coo with their mates.

Cooing, like meowing, is a form of communication among cats. It is often used by cats in heat to signal their readiness to mate to other cats.

But mother cats also use cooing to announce to their kittens that it is now time for food. Therefore, many cats associate cooing with giving food because they know the sound from childhood.

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Cats also coo to communicate with each other.

But also to calm down their kittens, cooing is used by cat mothers. It is to show the kittens that everything is ok and there is no danger.

What does the cooing of your cat mean to you?

The cooing of your cat means that he feels comfortable around you. Often, cooing is an invitation to pet and cuddle. But cats also coo when they want food or to be kept busy.

Not only do cats use cooing to communicate with their fellow cats, but they also try to tell you something by cooing. This can mean the following, depending on the situation:

  • Your cat coos when you are comfortably with him on the sofa. It has its eyes half open. Here your cat wants to signal with its cooing that you should stroke it.
  • If you are on your way to the kitchen and your cat coos at you, it can mean that your cat is hungry and wants something to eat.
  • If your cat seems very excited and keeps wagging its tail back and forth, your cat wants to tell you with its cooing that you should occupy yourself with it. You can do this for example by playing ball or other activities.

Your cat’s cooing means something positive and signals to you that he feels comfortable around you.

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If your cat coos at you, it may be that it wants to be kept busy or wants to cuddle with you.

Cat coos when I touch it

If your cat coos when you touch it, it is a sign of well-being. Especially if you pet her lightly and cuddle her at that moment, your cat wants to signal to you by cooing that she feels comfortable and likes to be near you.

Likewise, cooing in cats can also indicate that it wants something to eat or that it wants to be kept busy.

Cat cooing all day

If your cat coos all day long, it is a sign that your cat wants to be kept busy. Here it can be that your cat is bored and wants to play with you.

Your cat’s cooing is a sign that he is doing well and feels very comfortable around you.

Make sure your cat always has enough exercise and things to do. Cats that don’t get enough attention can become depressed or have behavioral problems.

Cat cooing and running away

Cat cooing is often a sign of well-being and signals to you that she is doing well and feels safe around you.

Cats usually coo when they want to be kept busy or when they are hungry. Likewise, cats like to coo when they want to be petted and cuddled.

Your cat begs

Many pet owners only know the term flehmen from horses, when they make a funny facial expression to better detect a very specific scent. But cats can also flehmen and have the Jacobson’s organ, which is located in the palate area.

By flehmen cats can perceive with the help of this organ certain smells better.

Your cat will pause in a position where the corners of its mouth are pulled back and its mouth is slightly open.

Your cat purrs

Purring in cats can have different meanings. From she is very content, to she is very stressed, scared or in pain, purring can have many statements. Often, purring in cats means to each other that she is not a threat and does not want a fight.

Likewise, many mother cats purr with their kittens, as this is a very quiet sound that can not be heard quickly by predators.

Your cat meows in front of a door

Cats like it when they can roam through their territory. This of course includes the whole apartment. Only if their territory is suddenly blocked by a door, your cat will make a loud meowing sound in front of the door and tell you that their way should not be blocked.

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Cats do not like locked doors, because they like to run through their territory, which is often your whole apartment.

Likewise, cats are escape animals and need to know that they can get to safety in case of danger. In this regard, make sure you don’t close the doors in your home. Unless you want to keep your cat out of that room.

Here we have compiled our most popular cat items for you in a great overview:

Summary – My cat coos

If your cat coos near you, this is a sign of well-being and security. Your cat visibly feels comfortable around you. The cooing of your cat can have different meanings. On the one hand, it can signal that your cat wants something to eat or wants to be petted. It can also mean that your cat wants to be kept busy and is looking for your attention.

Cats also coo among themselves when one of them is willing to mate and wants to signal this to the other cats. Likewise, mother cats coo to tell their kittens to nurse or to show theirs that all is well.

If your cat coos during cat day, it is often a sign that she is either hungry or wants to play with you. Make sure your cat gets enough exercise and attention from you.

Cats make other sounds in addition to cooing. For example, cats try to perceive special smells more intensively by barking. The purring of cats can have different meanings.

In this table we show you what meaning the cooing could mean in certain situation.

Your cat is cooing while you are sitting comfortably on the sofa. Your cat wants to show you by cooing that it would like to be petted.
Your cat is cooing as you are on your way to the kitchen.Your cat is cooing because it is hungry and has realized that you are on the way to its feeding place.
Your cat coos and wags its tail back and forth excitedly.Your cat is trying to get your attention by cooing and wants to play with you.