Cat doesn’t want to go outside

That your cat does not want to go out, could be because of a dog or another cat. Also bad experiences or illnesses as well as undetected injuries are reasons for it.

What are the reasons why my cat does not want to go out?

Cats are very sensitive animals. If you have a new cat that does not want to go outside, it may be because of a bad experience your cat has had outside.

Likewise, another cat may be the reason why your cat does not want to go outside. Territorial fights between cats should not be underestimated. Your cat may have lost out and no longer dare to enter the other cat’s territory.
Among cats there are so-called territorial fights. If your cat has drawn the short straw, it can be a reason why your cat does not want to go out anymore.

But also a neighbor’s dog yapping in front of the garden fence can frighten your cat and can also be a reason why your cat does not want to go outside. Here a clarifying conversation with the neighbor would be a good solution.

If it is winter, it could also be due to the cold temperatures that your cat prefers to stay in the warm apartment. Here you could put a heated cat house in the front yard and offer your cat a bowl with lukewarm water.

Another reason why your cat doesn’t want to go outside could be an illness. Cats don’t show their owners when they are unwell, so illnesses or injuries are often not recognized right away. Have your cat examined by a veterinarian.

What do I do if my cat doesn’t want to go out?

Don’t force or push your cat outside if he doesn’t want to. Small treats or the favorite toy might give a little incentive for your cat to go outside.

Cats usually love to be in the outdoors. However, there are some cats who prefer to be on the sofa at home. You should never force or push your cat to go outside. There are also many benefits to keeping your cat a house cat.

One way to entice your cat outside would be to place small treats in the front yard or by the front door. She may then continue to go outside all by herself and just lacked the drive to do so.
Give your cats, that food first outside in the garden, then your two cats come certainly fast again outside.

But also the favorite toy of your cat can be a drive for your cat to come out into the fresh air. First put it down at the doorstep and let them bring the toy to you. Now you can keep putting the toy outside a little bit at a time. When your cat gets the toy and brings it to you, praise your cat for it. If your cat is still shy and afraid, just leave the door open for a while and give your cat enough time.

Your cat does not want to play with you anymore? Here we show you in our current article cat does not want to play different play possibilities with your cat, so that he wants to play directly with you.

Why are cats not allowed outside?

Illnesses or injuries as well as too cold temperatures can cause that your cat is not allowed outside.

If your cat has a disease, where he gets certain medications through the food, it is advisable not to let your cat out for a while. The special food with the medication for your cat is best eaten under supervision.

Also, an injury may mean that your cat is not allowed out. To prevent the injury from getting worse, your cat should take it easy and be under your observation. Injuries can be easily infected outside by soil or dirt and have serious consequences for your cat.

Likewise, too cold temperatures in winter are not suitable for every cat, so it is better to keep them indoors. Cats with too thin a winter coat can otherwise easily catch colds or frostbite.

Cats that have a weak immune system due to recent illness should be kept indoors for extended periods of time to be on the safe side.

Some cat owners do not allow their cats outside or in their front yards during the peak breeding season between April and June out of concern for bird nesting. For young birds, letting your cat outdoors causes tremendous stress.

Your cat suddenly doesn’t want to cuddle with you and you wonder what you could have done wrong? We show you the various reasons in our great article cat does not want to cuddle, why your cat suddenly no longer wants to cuddle with you.

What should I keep in mind when I let my cat outdoors?

Your cat should be neutered, chipped and vaccinated. Also pay attention to the environment and the diet of your cat.

To ensure that your cat’s first outdoor visit goes smoothly, you should consider these important things beforehand:

  • Vaccinations
  • In order to keep your cat healthy, you should have your cat vaccinated against rabies and against feline leukemia virus before you take your cat outdoors.

  • Neutering
  • If your cat lives on a farm, your cat must be neutered. It is best to read about the neutering requirements in your state beforehand. The regulations are different in each state.

  • Environment
  • Pay attention to where you allow your cat to go outside. If there is a fast moving road right outside your front door, it is advisable to consider an apartment cat.

  • Diet
  • Here you have no real overview of what all your cat gets to eat. From mice to little treats from the neighbor’s boy, your cat can eat just about anything in the open air. Pay attention to the weight of your cat and otherwise reduce your additional food rations if your cat is overweight.

    In case your cat gets disoriented or injured, it makes sense to chip your cat to be able to inform you as the owner.

    That your cat doesn’t want to go out could be because of a dog or another cat. Also bad experiences or illnesses as well as unrecognized injuries are reasons for it.

    Don’t force or push your cat outside if he doesn’t want to. Small treats or the favorite toy might give a little incentive for your cat to go outside.

    Illness or injury, as well as temperatures that are too cold, may prevent your cat from going outside. Likewise, cat owners should reconsider outdoor access during fledgling nesting season.
    Your cat should be neutered, chipped and vaccinated. Also, pay attention to the environment as well as your cat’s diet. Cats can gain weight from eating too much in the wild, which can lead to obesity and diabetes.