List of dog friendly fruits and vegetables

Many fruits or vegetables such as apples, kiwis, apricots, broccoli or carrots are very healthy for dogs and contain many vitamins and minerals. Be aware that some fruits have a high fructose content and should only be fed in moderation. 

Always feeding the same food from the bowl can become boring for a dog. So it’s a good thing that your owner has just been to the fruit stall and bought some fresh fruit. However, before you give your dog all kinds of different vegetables and fruits to eat, it’s better to give them twice. Some types of fruit contain too much unhealthy fructose in large quantities. Other vegetables should not be fed at all. 

Fruit in general contains a lot of fructose and also a lot of acid. For dogs that already have stomach or digestive problems, it is better to feed vegetables instead.

Here we have created an overview for you, which fruit you can feed to your dog without any problems:


Apples can be fed to your dog at any time. Even the skin of the apple is not dangerous for your dog. They contain important minerals such as calcium, iron, sodium and also pectin, which stimulates your dog’s digestion. If your dog has diarrhoea, apples can be very useful as they are very water-binding.


The tropical fruit pineapple is very healthy for your dog. It contains certain proteins that help your dog’s digestion. The vitamins in pineapple are also very healthy for your dog and strengthen his defences. Pineapples should only be used as food when they are very ripe.


Apricots are a very delicious variety for your dog and contain many vitamins and trace elements. Even in dried form, apricots are a favourite food for your four-legged friend. Make sure you remove the seeds before feeding. Small dogs in particular can choke on them or block their intestines.


Bananas can also be fed to your dog. However, this should only be done in small quantities, as bananas have a very high fructose content. Bananas are also a wonderful remedy if your dog has diarrhoea.


You can’t go wrong with pears for your dog. Overripe pears are particularly tasty for your dog. They are also good for digestion and contain carotene and lots of vitamins. 


Cauliflower contains potassium, calcium and folic acid and should only be added to your dog’s food in small portions. If over eaten, cauliflower can cause flatulence in dogs.


Just like cauliflower, broccoli has important vitamins and a number of minerals such as sodium, iron and potassium. Again, the vegetable should not be on the menu too often, otherwise your dog may be plagued by flatulence.

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Broccoli is very healthy for your dog and can happily be added to the menu.


Blackberries are a real vitamin booster for your dog and taste great because they are sweet. Blackberries also protect the immune system and have a healing effect as blackberry tea for diarrhoea. 


Despite its many good ingredients, chicory is not popular with dogs because it has a very bitter taste. Maybe you can hide it among your dog’s favourite food. 


Strawberries are not only the favourite fruit for us humans, dogs can also get a lot out of the red fruits. They taste deliciously sweet and also contain many vitamins and important anthocyanins, which strengthen the cell structure in your dog’s body.


Figs can be fed to your dog without any problems and support your dog’s digestion. Figs are particularly digestible because they are not chemically treated.


Kale is very healthy for your dog as it contains many vitamins and also a lot of minerals. Like broccoli, it can cause flatulence in your dog if eaten in excess. 


Blueberries are a delicious change from everyday dog food and are also very digestible for dogs. They contain vitamins, iron, potassium and also tannins. Blueberries are only safe for dogs, for cats blueberries are very dangerous and must not be fed to them.


Raspberries can be fed to your dog without any problems and are helpful as a home remedy for constipation and also for rheumatism.


This plant has essential oils such as gingerols, which is very helpful for digestive problems. However, many dogs do not like ginger as it does not have a very sweet taste. 


Carrots can also be given to your dog to eat without much problem. They contain a lot of fibre as well as minerals and are extremely healthy for dogs.


Potatoes should always be peeled and cooked. They are very energy-rich and contain many vitamins.


Cherries are a healthy fruit for dogs and are best pitted before feeding. The pits contain toxic blue acids. It is also advisable to feed cherries only when they are very ripe. 


The kiwi is a healthy fruit for your dog and can be fed to him without hesitation. However, kiwis contain a lot of fructose and acid, so it is best not to feed them too often.


Tangerines should also only be fed to your dog in moderation. This is mainly due to the high fructose. Tangerines contain many vitamins, which is especially good for your dog’s skin.


Melons can be fed to your dog. They contain hardly any calories and a lot of water. It is best to start with small pieces of melon to see how your dog’s digestion reacts. Some dogs are prone to diarrhoea in rare cases. 


When feeding nectarines, make sure they are very ripe and, if possible, remove the seeds before feeding. Seeds contain toxic blue acids. 


Oranges are very healthy for dogs. They contain many vitamins and minerals. Unfortunately, they also contain a lot of fructose and acids, which is why you should not feed oranges to your dog too often. 


If your dog wants to eat peaches, he can do so without hesitation. They are dehydrating and stimulate your dog’s digestion. This makes them a healthy snack for in-between meals. 


Salads are healthy supplements and provide your dog with important carotene, calcium, protein and vitamins. 


Courgettes are very healthy for your dog and contain potassium, calcium and are very digestible.

Here we have summarized our most popular post for you in a great overview:

What fruit should my dog not eat?

Your dog should never eat sultanas or grapes. These are very toxic for dogs and can lead to symptoms of poisoning. If your dog does eat them, get immediate veterinary help for your dog. 

Macadamia nuts, almonds and bitter almonds are also very harmful and dangerous for your dog. They contain harmful bitter substances.

You should also not give your dog citrus fruits to eat. Although they contain many vitamins, they can cause severe digestive problems in dogs.