Cats are often frightened by loud sneezing or associate the sneezing sound with something bad from the past.
Sneezing is something very natural for us humans and cannot be controlled by us. If we sneeze and our cat is right near us, it might startle your cat. Cats have very sensitive ears and don’t like loud banging noises. Cats will often jump to the side or hide if their owner sneezes suddenly and unexpectedly.
If your cat doesn’t like the sound of sneezing, it may be because of something bad in the past that your cat associates sneezing with.
Why does my cat react to sneezing?
Cats react differently to a human sneeze. Some meow loudly, others become aggressive and others run away from it.
Cats show a variety of reactions when a human sneezes near them. Often cats will make a loud meow when you sneeze next to them. Many people assume that your cat wants to “heal” you or ask you if everything is OK. What exactly the cat is trying to tell you with the meow is up to your interpretation. But it could also be a meow telling you to keep it down next time.

Other cats react very aggressively to a sneeze. They perceive the sneezing sound as a hissing noise and may then bite or nip the owner as they perceive the sound as a threat from you.
Similarly, some cats will simply run away and withdraw completely. This is often done by very frightened cats who have been frightened by the loud sneeze. They then prefer to go into their hiding place or retreat.
What does it mean when cats meow loudly?
Cats meow loudly when they are in pain, when they are bored, when they are ready to mate and when they are hungry.
Here we explain why your cat might meow loudly:
- If your cat meows loudly and is very sensitive to petting on some parts of its body or has less appetite, your cat could have a disease. This means that your cat’s meowing is not a simple meow, but a meow due to pain. You should seek veterinary advice and have your cat examined by a vet.
- If your cat does not get enough activity from you, the loud meowing can also be an indication of pure boredom. This meowing usually occurs when the cat is wandering around the house without a plan and without anything to do. In our great article What do I need for my cat, we show you what equipment you need to keep your cat busy and happy. If your cat is second-hand, it’s possible that your cat got more outdoor access or attention from the previous owner and is now demanding it.
- Some cats meow when they are hungry and demand another portion of fresh food. Meowing is how they get the attention they need from you. If you want to know what young kittens in particular need in the way of food, you can read about this and much more in our exciting article How to feed young kittens properly.

- Especially unneutered cats meow a lot and very loudly when they are looking for a mate. They attract the female cats with these sounds and thus get their attention. During the time when they are ready to mate, the cats are particularly affectionate and seek a lot of physical proximity as well as being constantly restless. A solution to the constant meowing would be castration.
- Also after a move or a big change in the flat, the cat may meow loudly. This often lasts until your cat gets used to the new environment.
- Cats will also meow loudly if the owner looks at them immediately and they get attention straight away. Here it can be helpful not to react immediately to your cat’s meowing and to leave him on the left.
How do I get my cat to stop meowing?
Give your cat her attention or food before she meows. You could also neuter a noisy cat.
If you have an unneutered cat that meows loudly every time it is ready to mate, neutering might be a good solution.
Likewise, if your cat meows too often out of boredom or loneliness, you might consider getting a second cat. Cats are very social animals and love to be with another cat.
It makes sense to feed your cat in the early morning and late evening. This way you can prevent your cat from meowing at night. Offer your cat some dry food in addition to the wet food. Dry food lasts much longer in the bowl and your cat can help himself to it later.
It is best to react before your cat does. Go up to your cat and pet it and give it food before it has started meowing. This will give your cat a feeling of security and safety. Here your cat has no reason to meow loudly.
Why does my cat meow at night?
Your cat may meow loudly at night when it is hungry, wants to cuddle with you or wants to go back inside.
- Your cat is hungry at night
Cats are used to eating small portions throughout the day. It will be difficult for your cat not to eat for 6-8 hours at a time, so she will try to keep you awake. It may also be because your cat is used to getting something tasty to eat after you have woken up. This is just another incentive to wake you up at night.
- Your cat wants to cuddle with you at night
Cats love to be near their owners to cuddle and snuggle together. Especially in winter, cats are very affectionate and want to be petted around the clock. This is also because cats are looking for warmth and security at this time of year and will usually find it in your warmed bed.
- Your cat is bored at night
Cats that are often alone during the day have a hard time finding peace at night. This is because cats adapt their daily rhythm to humans. Normally, cats hunt and eat all day. In between, there are always small breaks for them to rest. When they are alone all day, their rhythm is completely different. They usually spend the whole time with, resting and sleeping when they are home alone during the day. This leads to them still having full energy at night and waking you up to show you that they want to be kept busy.
- Your cat wants to go back inside at night
Sometimes outdoor cats want to go back into the warmth of your home at night and will wake you up with loud calls from your bed. This often happens in winter when it is too wet or too cold for your cat outside. If you want to know whether all outdoor cats need a cat flap and how it can be done without one, we explain in our great article Outdoor access for cats without a flap – how it works.
- Your cat wants attention from you
Your cat wants your attention around the clock and already disturbs you during the day when you’re eating or working in your home office. Why should it stop doing that at night and leave you alone? Cats often want to be stroked and get attention from their owners at night too.
- The sleeping place or the litter box are not in order
Another reason why your cat might wake you up at night is if your cat’s sleeping place is not to his liking or something is missing. You should also make sure the litter tray is clean before you go to bed.
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Summary – My cat doesn’t like it when I sneeze
Cats are often frightened by loud sneezes or associate the sneezing sound with something bad from the past.
Cats react differently to a human sneezing. Some meow loudly, others become aggressive and others run away from it.
Cats meow loudly when they are in pain, out of boredom, because they are ready to mate and because they are hungry.
To break your cat’s loud meowing habit, give your cat her attention or food before she meows. You could also neuter a noisy cat.
Your cat may meow loudly at night when it is hungry, wants to cuddle with you or wants to go back inside.