Cats have no respect for their owners if they have not had firm rules from an early age and have not been brought up consistently.
How do I train my cat correctly?
The education of cats should always be very consistent, patient and with positive feedback such as treats or petting.
A lot of patience is needed to train cats. A species-appropriate and consistent education takes several weeks, if not several months.
The most important thing is that your cat knows the rules of the game from the beginning and you must not change them. All persons in the household must observe and keep to the rules. If your cat is allowed on the bed one day and not the other, your cat will be unsettled and this will not be helpful.

When training your cat, always give him enough space and retreats. This is very important for a good relationship between the two of you.
If your cat is sitting in its place while the others are on the sofa, reward your cat with a treat or a stroke. Your cat can easily associate this positive feeling of reward with the action and after a few times will understand what he is allowed to do and what he is not allowed to do.
How can I show my cat what it is not allowed to do?
Especially when your cat is young, it is important to be consistent and strict so that your cat learns from an early age what it is not allowed to do. A clear command like “No” should always be said in the same tone of voice.
Unfortunately, cats cannot be trained as easily as dogs, as cats are much more independent and autonomous from their owners. Nevertheless, you can clearly signal to your cat when it has to refrain from doing something. A clear command like “No” belongs in every cat house and should definitely be taught from an early age.
If your cat doesn’t go to the litter box at first, you can take her after her business and put her on the litter box. In this way she will learn where to do her actual business.
If your cat jumps on the table or cupboard, a clear no should follow. If your cat obeys, it is important that you stroke it or give it a treat as a reward. This tells your cat that it should listen to your command and that your cat will be rewarded afterwards.
Especially when your cat is very young, you should always be consistent and strict. A little biting during play should be stopped just as quickly as jumping on the dining table.
The older your cats get, the more difficult it is to resolve deadlocked situations.
What are the prerequisites for good cat training?
The prerequisites for a species-appropriate cat training are enough activity and sufficient retreats for your cat.
Before the actual cat training can take place, you should consider and do a few things for your cat in advance. It is especially important that your cat has enough places to retreat to. Especially if your cat is being taught a lot, it is necessary that he has a place for breaks.

Likewise, a prerequisite for perfect education in cats is that they have sufficient activity in the form of a scratching post or other toys.
It is also very important for cats to be occupied with their owners and to receive their beloved attention through cuddling and petting.
In order to create a good environment for species-appropriate cat training, sufficient look-out opportunities as well as healthy and balanced food should always be provided.
This will create a pleasant environment for you and your cat, so that your cat feels comfortable with you. This is the best prerequisite for successful and species-appropriate cat training.
What should you never do when training a cat?
Grabbing your cat by the fur, threatening it with violence or shouting at it at the top of your voice is not proper cat training and should never be done by you.
You should never do the following things when training a cat:
- Grabbing your cat by the fur
Grabbing your cat by the fur is something only a mother does with her kittens and should never be done by you.
- Yelling at your cat
Cats have very sensitive ears and should not be yelled at by you. A gently raised voice is quite sufficient to give a command such as “No”.
- Hitting your cat
Violence of any kind should never be the means of training a naughty cat. This can subsequently destroy the bond with the owner and lead to injury.
- Forcing your cat to do something
Cats should never be forced to do anything. This way your cat will not learn what it is allowed to do and what it is not allowed to do.
- Nagging your cat too late
If your cat has ruined your couch or jumped on the table, the reprimand and the forbidden command must come immediately. Only a few hours later, it no longer makes sense to grumble about something that happened too long ago. Your cat has already forgotten this one.
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Summary – Cat has no respect
Cats have no respect for their owners unless they have had firm rules from an early age and have been brought up consistently.
Cat training should always be very consistent, patient and with positive feedback such as treats or petting.
Especially when the cat is young, it is important to be consistent and strict so that your cat learns from an early age what it is not allowed to do. A clear command like “No” should always be said in the same tone of voice.
The older your cats get, the more difficult it is to resolve entrenched situations such as jumping on the sofa.
The prerequisites for species-appropriate cat training are enough activity and sufficient retreats for your cat.
Grabbing your cat by the fur, threatening it with violence or shouting at it at the top of your voice is not proper cat training and should never be done by you.