Cats with large pupils are happily excited and expecting something nice like food or a toy.
Cat pupils often tell us the mood of the cat. Pupils that are particularly large indicate joyful excitement, for example, when your cat is getting its food or has spotted a prey item.
Why do cats have slit pupils?
Because of their slit pupils, cats have very good depth of field and can also see colours better in the dark when hunting.
Cats are true masters at hunting their prey. However, this is only possible because of their particularly good eyes. The cat’s eyes have vertical and slit-shaped pupils, which creates a special ability in cats.
Due to the vertical slits in the eyes, cats have an extraordinary depth of field and can thus optimally estimate the distance to their prey. This makes hunting cats particularly effective and leaves their prey no chance.
Cats can also see very clear colours in the twilight due to their vertical pupils, which makes hunting cats at night very easy.
What are cats trying to tell us by staring and blinking?
Slow blinking is an expression of security and trust in cats. Staring, on the other hand, is considered rude and your gaze should go elsewhere.
If you want to signal to your cat that all is well and he can relax, blink slowly at your cat. Cats often do this to each other and it is an expression of security and trust.

Similarly, your cat will be very relaxed if it has its eyes slightly or completely closed.
On the other hand, watch out if your cat’s pupils are constricted and her ears are flat. Cats often do this if you stare at them for too long, which is considered very rude among cats. It is best to quickly avert your gaze, which is tantamount to an apology.
How can I tell if my cat is blind?
You can tell that your cat is blind by the fact that it runs into moved furniture, retreats, does not come down from the scratching post or other high objects, or that the colour of your cat’s eyes has changed.
Often cats go blind because of an illness or accident. Blindness can be a gradual and slow process or even overnight.
Cats can move around very well despite blindness or poor eyesight. They can remember very well where which object is located in the home. Cats are not creatures of habit for nothing and love it when everything is in its right place.
If your cat loses its sight, it can often compensate by strengthening its other senses. They can smell, hear and feel things much better if they are blind, so they can often cope well.
However, the following characteristics and changes in your cat may indicate blindness or weakened vision:
- Your cat no longer walks through every room with its head held high, but rather creeps along the wall.
- Your cat has changed its body position and only moves forward in a crouching position.
- The scratching post is still used with pleasure, but your cat has problems climbing down from it or from other high objects.
- Your cat’s social behaviour has changed, he always withdraws and wants to be left alone.
- Your cat is very often frightened when someone tries to pet or touch it.
- If you have moved your furniture, your cat will often run into it or not know where it is.
- Your cat’s eye colour has changed
- Your cat’s pupils may be enormously dilated and opacities may be visible inside the eye.
If you notice any of these signs or changes in your cat, you should seek veterinary advice and have your cat checked for blindness.
How can I tell if my cat is in pain?
If your cat is in pain, his appetite may decrease, he may limp or stagger when walking, his activity may decrease significantly or he may become aggressive when touched.
Cats often try not to show their pain when they are in a lot of pain to avoid attracting predators in the wild. They also adopt this behaviour as indoor cats. This makes it even more difficult for you to tell if your cat is injured or in pain.
The following symptoms or behaviours may indicate that your cat is in pain:
- Your cat’s coat has become dirtier and more matted because your cat can no longer groom and clean itself properly.
- Your cat urinates more often in the litter box or urinates in other places.
- Your cat reacts very aggressively or is frightened when touched or stroked.
- Your cat’s appetite has decreased, but he drinks a lot of water
- Your cat’s activities decrease and he does not want to play with you anymore.
- Your cat is more and more withdrawn and would prefer to be alone
- When walking, your cat limps or wobbles and drags her leg again and again
All of these symptoms and changes in behaviour may indicate pain or an injury to your cat. It is important to seek immediate veterinary advice and have your cat examined by a vet.
What does it mean when cats have yellow eyes?
Yellow eyes occur in cats that have a high amount of melanin in the iris. The darker the cat’s coat, the lighter the yellow eye colour appears.
Cats with yellow eyes seem to glow especially in the dark. The darker the coat, the brighter the eyes seem to be. The yellow tone goes from a light yellow to a dark copper tone. Cats with a yellow eye colour are very self-confident cats and can clearly signal to their owner what they want. Employment should be the first priority.

Cats with yellow eyes are for example Somali, Chartreux or British Shorthair.
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Summary – Cat always has large pupils
Cats with large pupils are happily excited and expect something nice like food or a toy.
Because of their slit-shaped pupils, cats have very good depth of field and can also see colours better in the dark when hunting.
You can tell that your cat is blind by the way it runs into moved furniture, retreats, won’t come down from the scratching post or other tall objects, or by the way your cat’s eyes change colour.
Slow blinking is an expression of security and confidence in cats. Staring, on the other hand, is considered rude and your gaze should go elsewhere.
If your cat is in pain, his appetite will decrease, your cat will limp or stagger when walking, your cat’s activity will decrease significantly or he will become aggressive when touched.
Yellow eyes occur in cats that have a high amount of melanin in the iris. The darker the cat’s coat, the lighter the yellow eye colour will appear.